Opening morning I slept in and Adam shot his deer. I was grateful for this because I did not want to see him shoot it and now we could play! He did end up getting a really good deer, Tyler and Mike were both very proud. Guss and Coal were both with us, Coal loves the deer and kisses them, but Guss was scared of it. It was funny to watch them.
After the work was done, we went over to Tropic Reservoir for some swim time, which is my favorite! The dogs needed to get out of the desert too. We swam for quite a while to build up an appetite. We ate at a really good local restaurant, had prime rib, soup, salad, homemade bread, and apple pie ala mode, mmmm!
It was a such and fun quick weekender trip with close friends! I really don't want Summer to end.
Tyler, Adam, and Mike