Tyler drew his Mountain Goat tag this year on Timp. It was a once in a lifetime hunt that he has put in for for the past 10 to 15 or so years. These animals are amazing. Really gorgeous and ginormous. He was with his brother Shane and one his lifelong best friends, Adam Webb. Tyler knows the mountain really well, and spent a lot of time on it with Adam growing up. I kept teasing Tyler that he had to take Adam with him because he is a paramedic just in case! I swear the more years that go by, the more of a worrier I become.

While Tyler was on the snowy and foggy mountain, Zoe and I were in hot and sunny southern California. Most my family was there, and we enjoyed every minute. My dad of course had to rent a family van so we could all ride together! The drive out we had my mom, my dad, Zoe, me, my sister Danielle, her baby girl Cambri, and my other sister Ruth. It was a car full, but so fun. The babes did amazing for their first long trip. We watched movies and listened to music to try and keep them entertained. We took two days to drive out, spent the first night in Vegas. The second day we watched Mary Poppins and the girls slept the entire time! That movie is a lot longer than I remember too.
California fun consisted of multiple swims a day, hanging out in the condo watching movies and visiting, playing games almost every night, Mike and I even hit the tennis courts one night, which was so fun, even though I am such a sad tennis player. The street market on Thursday night in Palm Springs. Zoe was so interested the whole time we were walking the street with the music, arts, and people, even though it was past her bedtime. I of course forgot the camera doing most things, but here are a few of us at the pool.
Zoe loved this floaty my friend let us borrow, she would just lay back, splash, and hang out.
After a week of relaxation, it was time to drive home. But we were ready, and excited to see Tyler. My sisters left earlier in the week, so it was just my parents, me, and the Zoe Bug for the drive home.
On another note, Zoe is now 6 mo old. I know I say this every time, but...what!! She is growing so much and changing by the minute I swear. She is so fun, and getting very mobile. She rolls both ways, and when she is on her tummy she tries to get her legs under her by putting her bum in the air. She is SLOWLY growing a little hair, but you can't tell much because it is so blonde. She is still in the 50% for all categories. Strong, healthy, and average, we couldn't ask for anything better. She still is sleeping like a champ as well, (knock on wood :) eating solids, but constantly wants to suck her thumb while eating. I think it is just the fact that she is used to sucking to get food, and she is not quite getting it, but it is super cute. Any body else's babies do this?
Ty and I just celebrated our 5 yr. anniversary, which is also crazy. We didn't do anything too exciting, just spent the weekend together which was perfect. I wanted a few trees and shrubs for the front yard, so that is what we got each other, haha. We went out to dinner as well, which is something we haven't done since Zoe was born. I feel very fortunate to have Ty as my husband and best friend. I love experiencing parenthood with him. He is such a good dad, and amazes me often.
Lastly, we have a new nephew and cousin for Zoe!! Cody and Emily had their little boy on Oct. 17. He is just amazing, so perfect. When we went to see him, I knew it was going to amaze me that Zoe was ever that small, and of course that was the case. I am so happy for them, and glad that Zoe has a cousin on each side of the family close in age.