Yesterday, 7/10/2010, I ran my first half marathon! It was the Hobbler Half down Hobble Creek Canyon. I ran it with two of the most amazing girls. First, one of my best friends, Allison Duncan, who just had the cutest baby boy 2 months ago, and is always someone who I have looked up to and has always pushed and motivated me. Second, her mother, Kim Chapman. She is in her 50's, and I was so impressed by how strong she ran. I hope I can do that in my 50's! It was a first for all of us.
My personal goal, was not for time, but for endurance, to do it without stopping. I did it, but it was not easy. The longest that I had ran ever was about 11 miles. The Saturday prior to the race, we did a training run down Provo Canyon from Big Springs to the mouth. This run was not bad at all, we started around 8 or so, and the majority of it was down hill, and we had the shade most the time as well. The actual race, was not as comparable as we thought it would be. It was down a canyon, but it had a lot more up's and down's than Provo. Also, the sun was beating down on us starting around mile 8 or so, which is very draining. Our saving grace was the sprinklers and the drink stops during the last few miles. At mile 12 I hit a wall, and the rest of the race was pretty much up hill. I had to talk myself through the last mile and made it without stopping! For me, running has always been more of a mental thing. If I can talk my way through it, I am golden. I have never been motivated by strangers, or friends cheering me on, but only by myself and the mental game.
It was the best feeling to see the finish line, and Tyler waiting there too. I have always respected marathon runners, but this experience definitely increased my respect. Even the thought of only being half way done if I were running a marathon, made me sick. Running a marathon has always been a lifetime goal for me, but half sure is satisfying for now!
So fun! I'm glad I have such a rad friend for a running makes it so much more fun.