Sunday, October 17, 2010

Final Stretch

Well I can't believe that the house is almost done! Just a few final touches and we will be official residents of Springville. I can't wait to start this new chapter of our lives, and hopefully we will have lots of family and friends who will come share it with us.

Can't wait to get a swinging chair for my porch!


  1. i can't believe how amazing your house is. oh the memories that await our lives. yes... you leaving me does not mean i'm leaving you. besties forever. i vote for a ski lift swinging chair on your porch. oh and lets go to ikea.

  2. Hey! i know where this is! we are kind of neighbors. I know, you're really excited. Nice house!

  3. Your house is beautiful! I love, love, LOVE the kitchen. You're probably so happy that it's almost done. I'm sure it was a ton of work.
