Sunday, December 12, 2010

As Of Late

Since it has been a while since I last blogged, of course, here is what has been going on lately.

-We are all moved in and pretty much settled in the house, and it is great! I do miss the old Finch company, but enjoy having our own place again.

-Tyler's big hunt he drew out for in Southern Utah went great, he got a really good buck, and had lots of friends and family that were able to go down and enjoy the time with him as well.

-I had yet another birthday, and now I am closer to 30 than 20 which is scary. I still feel 19, so I guess that is more important right! I can't believe how fast time goes by.

-Speaking of time, Tyler and I celebrated our 4th anniversary. This is another scary thing, but time that we have enjoyed very much. As much as we know each other, the same goes for the opposite. Which I hope it is always like that, keeping each other on our toes!

-As that fourth year itch was coming, we decided we wanted to start a family. We are expecting a little Tyler or a little Rachael around April 19th. We joke that no matter what it is we are in trouble, because we were both quite the difficult children, and still today we are both pretty stubborn (Something still only I have admitted). We threw around the idea of not finding out what it was, but I am too Type A for that. So as of right now our first present under the tree is a box with a paper in it telling us whether it is a boy or girl (I am putting my money on a girl, but Tyler is putting his on a boy). We thought that would be a fun way to find out, and it is only 4 wks later than when we would have found out if we just did it at the Dr. I made Tyler drive home with the box, and wrap it right away. I thought it would be too hard having it just sitting there right next to me the whole drive home. My older sister is pregnant as well, and is about 2 1/2 wks ahead of me. It has been fun for both of us experiencing our first pregnancies together.

-I was able to escape the cold for a bit, and go with my parents to Southern California. We stayed a night in Vegas on the way out and ate crepes at the "Paris" which were very yummy, and worth walking the strip for. The next day on our drive to California, we just stopped at the grocery store to find something for lunch. Both my mom and I don't do well with or like fast food so we thought this would be a good idea. My dad couldn't find anything, so he just got a Subway sandwich. We got in the car and started driving to find a place to eat. It was very deserty and desolate with not many options. We finally found a sign for an RV park so we decided to try it. It wasn't much of anything but a dirt road, but there was a little grassy spot with some trees so we drove over there and got out to eat. On our way in, we noticed about 4-5 donkeys grazing there. I really like donkeys and think they are pretty cute, but probably not very nice?? I don't know. Anyways, we sat on the grass, and of course my dad cracks this joke that "he has never eaten lunch with donkeys before, but he sure has eaten lunch with a lot of asses!" I don't know if they took this offensively or as an invite, but 2 of them started heading straight for us, and fast. Well not for us, for my dad! So we decided that we weren't going to be able to eat there. It must have been my dad's sandwich they smelt, because they both followed him to the car. At this point my mom was laughing hysterically, and my dad was yelling at the donkeys to go away while just barely making into the car before they got him! I thought my dad would be mad at us for laughing, but he started to laugh as well, it was pretty funny. Other than that, it was just a typical vacation. Lots of laziness and relaxing at the pool.

Well that is pretty much up to date, I know our lives our so exciting. We are very exited for our new little addition and can't wait to find out what it is!


  1. Congratulations! I think that is such a fun way to find out what you are having!

  2. How exciting!! I was waiting for you to do a post about this... Dennen and I visited Dan, Alli, and Cody awhile ago and she told me you are pregnant.

    I really like the way that you chose to find out! Dennen didn't want to know, but I totally did! How can you not? I told him that the ultrasound tech could tell me and not him. He didn't think that was a good idea though. Needless to say, we found out.

    Hope everything is going well for you and that you feel great!

  3. Congrats! That's so exciting for you guys!! That is a way fun way to find out, I could never wait knowing that I could just unwrap a present and know! But good for you guys because it will make it very special and memorable.
