Friday, February 24, 2012

Growing Too Fast

Zoe is now almost 11 months old, so close to 1 year! It has really been the best year of my life, and I have enjoyed being a mom more than I could've imagined. One thing I regret, is not documenting some of the milestones as well as I should have. I was talking with one of the girls I work with, and she has a little girl about 6 wks. younger than Zoe. She thinks her little girls is teething again, so she said she was looking back in her other babies books on when they got their teeth. I remember vaguely when she hit some of the milestones, but I need to be better noting it, along with my thoughts or whatever. I know that will be fun to look back through when she is older. Another thing that is hard for me is keeping up with this blog (as you can tell :) I blog because I don't scrap book, and I need something to keep our memories. But sometimes I feel like it is a chore. Since I am a working mother as well, the time I am at home, I spend as much time with her, and blogging doesn't cross my mind most of the time. Anyone else feel this way?? Here are some of the things I remember:

2 mo: Smiling and laughing a lot. Great sleeper.
4 mo: Rolling over
5 mo: First camping trip to Fish Lake.
6 mo: Got her first tooth, along with 5 others! 4 on top, 2 on bottom. Hasn't got anymore since.
6 mo: Started on solid foods, loves sweet potatoes, butternut squash, applesauce, and cereal.
8 mo: Sitting up by herself, great eater. Loves most everything, will try anything. Applesauce seems to be a favorite still. Started finger goods, loves bread and cheese bites!
9 mo: Crawling (Christmas Eve was when she did it first, by Christmas Day she was a pro).
10 mo: Pulling herself up onto stuff, getting into everything. Her favorite place to play is in the pantry. Loves animals, hates diaper changes.

Here's to hoping to doing better in the future!


  1. I know exactly what you mean! I have been getting my blog ready to print and it is so fun to look back at what is in there it makes me want to do a better job.
    P.s. I looked at some of your older posts. Zoe in the goggles is too cute!

  2. I agree. It is so hard to keep up, but I figure anything is better than nothing!? Your little one is adorable and growing way too fast
